Welcome to my treasure hunt page!

This treasure hunt series was intended for 2022 and is (mostly) over now. I've left the page up because I am proud of the clues and puzzles that I created.
Feel free to look at the clues for each of the six hunts just for fun, or click to see each's solution page. The 'Hidden' hunt still has a second-place prize available to anyone willing to figure it out.

I literally made six silver Saturn models and hid them in six different locations around the Wasatch. Instructions for how each Saturn is found are linked/described here. Begin by reading each summary and then clicking the title of a silver Saturn hunt that looks interesting. Game on! Take a look at my map page for hunt boundaries. Notes page is also important before searching.

Silver Saturn number one is a poem-based hunt in the tradition of Forrest Fenn, however there is just a little bit more to it. It includes at least one moderate hike, but otherwise the clue-solving should be straightforward and fun.

See the solution.

Saturn two is also poem-based, but you have an extra step before you get to see the poem. If you can figure out the first six clues, it is probably one of the easier Silver Saturns to find.

See the solution.

Saturn three starts with a bunch of gps locations. Visit them and you might start to learn what it is you are looking for.

See the solution.

Saturn four is a doozy. Many aspects of this hunt are repurposed from the treasure hunt I was planning to host as a part of Enigma Escape Experience (see FAQ on the Notes page for more info). This hunt combines some of the easiest progress with some of the most difficult follow-through. There is something for everyone, but no one person is likely to have everything you'll need. Follow the link to get started.

See the solution.

Saturn five is based on six photographs that I took within the search area. Find the center of them and find the Saturn.
Note: I didn't create any of these, I just found them and used them as clues.

See the solution.


Nice try, but these aren't the instructions you are looking for, but they are on this page.
Here is a clue that might help later on: opaque