Images Hunt Solution

The map below shows the locations of each of the six images.

Fun fact 1: In my many wanderings, I collected 10 or so landmarks to work with, but when I randomly selected six of them and found the midpoint, the location was totally unuseable as a site for the Saturn. This happened time and time again with various combinations. Eventually, I realized I needed something further East, and I went back out and got the picture of the Boat Rack which put the midpoint in a nice spot.

Fun fact 2: I had actually never been to Mineral Fork before scouting it out for the location of this Saturn. But I really consider it a nice spot. I loved hiking up there.

Fun fact 3: I am actually very near the location of this Saturn in one of the scenes from my trailer video (at about second 13).

Fun fact 4: My clue in early August was even more helpful than it seemed on the surface. I figured that most people would use the clue to try to locate the Aspen Girl and the 31 Rock. But the astute searchers realized that knowing the center point of those two locations is just as good as knowing both locations individually. The building in the satellite image was not exactly in the center of those two other points, but it was close enough that if you knew the other four locations (which many searchers did), then you'd get pretty close and just have to look around a bit from there.
Great job to the finder (who has elected to remain anonymous at this time).

Fun fact 5: On June 6th, the launch day of the hunt, a searcher realized that my uploaded image files (which were in jpg format) had gps metadata in them. That searcher went looking for the Saturn (in approximately the right area from what I can tell), but was unable to find it. Thinking that (s)he should have found it, (s)he contacted me to express concerns about the solution. That is when I realized my mistake. I immediately converted the images to png (which I had intended to do originally) and I admitted to the searcher that I had made a mistake. Graciously, that searcher said that they wanted to be a "purist" and would no longer pursue that particular Saturn. I thought that was pretty classy.
As for why that first searcher was unable to find the Saturn, here is what I told that searcher:
"As far as the Images hunt goes, I really appreciate that (although I don't want you to feel like you have to). I am not surprised that I made a mistake (among many others), but I am surprised that I made THAT mistake. I totally knew better, I even thought about it at one point a few weeks ago but still forgot to edit them until you drew my attention to it. The only thing I have going for me is that my phone is notoriously slow to get an accurate gps reading. Most of the photos were taken hastily and then I used a different map app to pinpoint the exact gps location after waiting for a few minutes for the accuracy to improve. I know for a fact that at least one of the photos was WAY off, and the others were all probably just kinda off by various amounts. So with all of that said, I have no expectation either way but I understand and appreciate if you want to leave that one to someone else."

Fun fact 6: This fun fact is only here so that I would have six fun facts.